Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So more often than not people ask me “OMG how do you put the extensions in??”…that along with a large array of questions usually follow right after I’ve done someone’s hair while I’m at eh salon. So what I’ve done is broken down step by step what it is I do when putting in extensions. I’ve used one of my clients Tiffany as en example for this process. She comes to me regularly to get her hair done since she’s a dancer it has to be done at all time and is satisfied each and every time. She comes for both length and a lil bit of volume. It’s helped her hair grow a lot as well over the summer. So here it is…play by play.

The hair is parted right about midpoint of the ear, that makes for good placement to allow a ponytail. A little braid is done right across that part and secured together in the middle.

The track is then sewn ONTO the braid (not onto the scalp as many have mistakenly thought) secured tightly at both ends of the braid. I’ve seen a few versions of ‘securing’ a track, some loop the thread though the track and tie a knot, but I find that can make it hard to remove on your own and sometimes the knot isn’t big enough and will slip through the track. I secure my ends by simply looping the thread through the track a few times.

Another row is parted and braided and once again the loopin process continues. Maybe the right term isn’t looping, but its as if our stitching both the track and the braid together.I find the best places to place the tracks are; mid ear (as mentioned earlier), then half inch above the ear (right around the temple are but a bit further back) and the third row at the crown of the head. Depending on how thick or thin the hair is OR if my clients are looking for volume over length (or vise versa) my placement varies a tad in case I need to have more than 3 rows

I gave tiff a few little pieces of lighter hair just for funzies, but these ones are bonded in not sewn

Tah dah!

It’s a Hair Flip…amd you dance again.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Red Rover Red Rover...I call Rhi-Rhi over!

This might be old news, but I still find it relevant. Now over the years we’ve watched Rhi-Rhi’s styles transform from single to single and her hair has managed to chameleon with every new trend, but to be honest I think we’ve hit a wall; a really big, bright, red cement wall. I wasn’t a fan of the color change at first with the bob and the black fade below, but I learned to accept it, but you give a girl an inch and she takes a 5 mile and we’re left with this display of ..?? I’m not even sure how to refer to it.

I’m not so much sure if its just the color or more the lack of shape that we’re used to. There’s usually a dynamic and dimension to her cuts and a versatility that makes it edgy yet subtle enough for the everyday girl to attempt to simulate. But it looks like Rihanna hair followers are shit outta luck..this look should not be attempted by anyone else..without my consultation of course.

Because of her complexion (or lack thereof) she can get away with the bright color but the the lack of shape and texture just leaves her looking blah. Which is really not a good look considering she is usually the go-to girl in hair and fashion. I wonder if its the new boy, new money or new music. Regardless, minus 12pts for this one and a bottle or IC Serum and a pair of sheers. Im not gonna hold her old hair stylist Ursula responsible for this one. I REFUSE! but when i find out who it is, i will shake my head in shame.

Sorry Rhi-Rhi
Maybe next single.
Its a Hair Flip....and you're cool again...MAYBE

Monday, October 4, 2010

So I’m fully aware that I’ve failed my blogging duties miserably. But theres perfect reason behind the temporary neglect. Recently I got some fantastical news! And although its fantastical I debated as to whether or not I should blog or share it. But I’ve since then come to my senses and decided that I would be documenting this information for myself., for my own pleasure.

And so, the news. Along with the many titles I already hold in life; friend, sister, cousin, co-worker, beautician and so forth, another has been added to the immense list. Mother.
Its fantastic news and I couldn’t be more excited abut it.

With this additional responsibility on the way I will still keep you guys up to date on my latest hair-capades. Speaking of which, i just recently (very yesterday) spent 8hrs in my hair salon working on my first ever photoshoot! it was small but the energy and the styles were huge. I'll have more to share very soon (including pictures for sure)

Stay tuned

Its a hair Flip


Friday, July 2, 2010


So as I mentioned, I’m looking into going to school, for hairdressing, just to refine the skills I already have and to learn new things. I’m debating between attending full time; which consists of about 10-12 months of Monday to Friday 9-4/5 or part time attendance; which lasts about 23-24 months only 3 days a week. If I go for a full time program then my working schedule will be real late and a part time program will allow me to be more flexible but it will take so long uuugh. I gotta weigh out my options a lil deeper to see how this is gonna go.

The decision of choosing a school is a serious one. But the one school that has caught my eye so far is Avola College of Hairstyling & Esthetics. The program seems to be thorough in terms of what they offer. Skills I can afford to refine as well as new ones I’ve never attempted. I gave them a call and spoke to the founder; Marc. He was informative and real with me. The website set up is dope. They offer photo shoots to the students towards the end of the program with a professional photographer. I’m kinda excited. I just have to plan things out and be as realistic with myself as possible (cause I tend to veer off into dreams n fantasies that I can’t accomplish) …... I think I should consult the oracle…a.k.a my mom. She should be able to give me some advice.

Right now my hair is cut short, colored with an amber tint. I want to do something more drastic with it though, not much in terms of weave though because I’d rather not have to deal with extensions, I prefer the idea of my natural hair, besides it makes things easier when I play in the water (cause im not a swimmer). Maybe a lil bit more on the red side. I have a few weddings to attend in the next few weeks that I gotta look on point for, so the hair must be as well.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Over the past 12 years I’ve developed a passion for something that I’ve been in denial of up until just a few weeks ago. If you don’t know me, they call me Remi, if you do know me, thanks for taking me seriously and actually reading this. I do hair. Hair is my passion. I’m in the business of beauty. That’s what I do. At least that’s what I want to do. I’ve had a regular job just like many people around me for years, but while I was on vacation in Paris, it hit me. Why not do what I’m good at. I mean anyone can answer a phone all day and take orders, but it takes a real G to give orders. I’m not saying that I want to be in control of others, I’m just saying if I’m going to be doing something for the rest of my life, it might as well be something I’m passionate about.

So! I’ve decided to blog my hair growth. From the clients I get, the new styles I try, the process of getting into hair school, some of the things I learn, and even a few little hints here and there to help keep your head top on top (get my little joke there..cute huh?! Lol)
So if your interested in learning with me I wont hesitate to share, and if you could care less about what I do in terms of hair then I suggest you check our my other blog (, and thank you for reading anyways.

Real Life Stylist
