Monday, October 4, 2010

So I’m fully aware that I’ve failed my blogging duties miserably. But theres perfect reason behind the temporary neglect. Recently I got some fantastical news! And although its fantastical I debated as to whether or not I should blog or share it. But I’ve since then come to my senses and decided that I would be documenting this information for myself., for my own pleasure.

And so, the news. Along with the many titles I already hold in life; friend, sister, cousin, co-worker, beautician and so forth, another has been added to the immense list. Mother.
Its fantastic news and I couldn’t be more excited abut it.

With this additional responsibility on the way I will still keep you guys up to date on my latest hair-capades. Speaking of which, i just recently (very yesterday) spent 8hrs in my hair salon working on my first ever photoshoot! it was small but the energy and the styles were huge. I'll have more to share very soon (including pictures for sure)

Stay tuned

Its a hair Flip


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