Friday, July 2, 2010


So as I mentioned, I’m looking into going to school, for hairdressing, just to refine the skills I already have and to learn new things. I’m debating between attending full time; which consists of about 10-12 months of Monday to Friday 9-4/5 or part time attendance; which lasts about 23-24 months only 3 days a week. If I go for a full time program then my working schedule will be real late and a part time program will allow me to be more flexible but it will take so long uuugh. I gotta weigh out my options a lil deeper to see how this is gonna go.

The decision of choosing a school is a serious one. But the one school that has caught my eye so far is Avola College of Hairstyling & Esthetics. The program seems to be thorough in terms of what they offer. Skills I can afford to refine as well as new ones I’ve never attempted. I gave them a call and spoke to the founder; Marc. He was informative and real with me. The website set up is dope. They offer photo shoots to the students towards the end of the program with a professional photographer. I’m kinda excited. I just have to plan things out and be as realistic with myself as possible (cause I tend to veer off into dreams n fantasies that I can’t accomplish) …... I think I should consult the oracle…a.k.a my mom. She should be able to give me some advice.

Right now my hair is cut short, colored with an amber tint. I want to do something more drastic with it though, not much in terms of weave though because I’d rather not have to deal with extensions, I prefer the idea of my natural hair, besides it makes things easier when I play in the water (cause im not a swimmer). Maybe a lil bit more on the red side. I have a few weddings to attend in the next few weeks that I gotta look on point for, so the hair must be as well.