Thursday, June 24, 2010


Over the past 12 years I’ve developed a passion for something that I’ve been in denial of up until just a few weeks ago. If you don’t know me, they call me Remi, if you do know me, thanks for taking me seriously and actually reading this. I do hair. Hair is my passion. I’m in the business of beauty. That’s what I do. At least that’s what I want to do. I’ve had a regular job just like many people around me for years, but while I was on vacation in Paris, it hit me. Why not do what I’m good at. I mean anyone can answer a phone all day and take orders, but it takes a real G to give orders. I’m not saying that I want to be in control of others, I’m just saying if I’m going to be doing something for the rest of my life, it might as well be something I’m passionate about.

So! I’ve decided to blog my hair growth. From the clients I get, the new styles I try, the process of getting into hair school, some of the things I learn, and even a few little hints here and there to help keep your head top on top (get my little joke there..cute huh?! Lol)
So if your interested in learning with me I wont hesitate to share, and if you could care less about what I do in terms of hair then I suggest you check our my other blog (, and thank you for reading anyways.

Real Life Stylist
